At Big Lake Schools, we are committed to delivering educational excellence. Our main priority is to provide our students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for future success.
While the core subjects of math, language arts, social studies and science take center stage, we go above and beyond. Our curriculum is enriched with a wide range of courses and opportunities that not only challenge students but inspire and encourages them to explore their individual interests.
Minda Anderson
Assistant Director of Teaching & Learning
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Curriculum Review Cycle
To guarantee a continuous and strategic evaluation of our curriculum, we have implemented a multi-year curriculum review process. This structured cycle helps us ensure that our students learn all the essential knowledge and skills needed in every course and grade, and that staff have the tools they need to support them.
The process consists of reviewing standards and curriculum, strategically choosing new curricula to fill in gaps, and providing ample staff professional development opportunities. In the final year of the cycle for each content area, we conduct an in-depth needs assessment and select a curriculum options that will best serve our staff and students.
Academic Standards
Download Academic Standards
What are standards?
The Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards are a framework for curriculum and instruction. The standards are the statewide expectations for student learning, and supply definitions for educational achievement of students in every Minnesota public school system. Some content areas do not have state standards. In these cases, industry or national standards are used in their place.
What do standards do?
Standards align content by identifying the knowledge and skills that all students must achieve by the end of a grade level, and serve as a guide for the local adoption of curricula.